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Hungry Are The Deadget Big Games

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For the Croods, it was all about smash, grab and survival! Another fun one is, a free multiplayer online game about eating candy to become the longest and most powerful worm in the arena. Join a world of fast-paced living and dieing in this brightly lit arena of hungry, slithering beings. Much like many other IO games in the series, with Wormate you collect to grow bigger.


1. Describe District 12.

District 12 seems to be a slum town. The main job there is coal mining and from early in the book we can see that it is a dangerous job, 'Men and women with hunched shoulders, swollen knuckles, many of whom have long since stopped trying to scrub the coal dust out of their broken nails and the lines of their sunken faces.' (page 4-5) Many of the citizens are starving and only the rich can afford luxuries, like bread and meat etc. Some brave people like Katniss and Gale, go into the forest to hunt and sell food at the Hob (a kind of black market) Life is hard in district 12 and it is a poor district.


2. What illegal activity does Katniss participate in doing? Why does she do this?

Katniss participates in hunting in the woods outside of District 12. She hunts to feed her family and get money to by necessities like clothes, soap, needle and thread, medicine etc.

3. Describe the relationship between Gale and Katniss.

The relationship between Gale and Katniss is friendship through hardship. Both of their fathers had died in a mining accident and they need food to survive. They both went out to hunt for food to feed their families and that is were they met. It took a long time for them to trust each other but now they are as thick as thieves. Though their friendship is tested when Katniss volunteers for the Hunger Games in Prim's place.

4. What is the Reaping? Do you think this practice is fair? Explain.

The Reaping is a big, all of Panem, lotto draw. They pick a boy and a girl (the Tributes) from each district and get them to fight to the death in the Hunger Games. I do not believe this is fair as 23 children die needlessly each year. It is to remember the war against the Capitol and it shows that all the districts are weak and dependent on the Capitol for food. It is to strike fear into the districts lives so they don't rebel and they stay slaves to the Capitol.

.5 Who is selected at the Reaping?

Katniss' twelve year old siter, Primrose, is chosen as a tribute in the Hunger Games. In the next chapter, Peeta Mellark is chosen as the male tribute.


1. How does Katniss save her sister from the reaping?

When Katniss realizes that it is her sister that is chosen as a tribute, she volunteers herself to take her place, something that is almost unheard of in District 12. 'But in District 12, where the word tribute is pretty much synonymous with the word corpse, volunteers are all but extinct.' (page 27)

2. What kind of person do you think Peeta is? What evidence from the book has led you to this conclusion?

I think Peeta comes across as a shy but kindhearted soul in this chapter. 'The boy took one look back at the bakery as if checking that the coast was clear, then, his attention back to the pig, he threw the loaf of bread in my direction.'


1. What instruction does Katniss leave for her mother?

She tells her mother to not give up and to stay there for Prim. '‘Well, you have to help this time. You can't clock out and leave Prim on her own.There's no me now to keep you both alive. It doesn't matter what happens. Whatever you see on the screen. You have to promise me you'll fight through it!'' (page 43)

2. What act of kindness does Peeta's dad show to Katniss? How do you think this man might have influenced his son?

Mr Mellark gave Katniss a bag of cookies. He also tells Katniss; 'I'll keep an eye on your little girl. Make sure she's eating.' This shows that he is willing to give her some bread to make sure she stays alive and well. He could have influenced his sone to be a kind and caring boy. We see this when he gives Katniss two loaves of bread when she was cold and starving.

3. What advice does Gale give Katniss about surviving the games.?

He tells Katniss to get a bow as she is a remarkable archer.When Katniss questions the fact that there may not be any bows, Gale tells here to make one; 'Even a week bow is better than no bow at all.' She is very pessimistic about her predicament but Gale cheers her up a little bit.


1. Do you think Haymitch will be helpful as a mentor? Why or why not?

I do not believe that Haymitch is a good mentor. He is almost alway drunk and when he is sober he does not give helpful advice to the two tributes, Katniss and Peeta. '‘Here's some advice. Stay alive.' says Haymitch, and then bursts out laughing.

2. What does Katniss mean when she says: 'A kind Peeta Mellark is far more dangerous to me than an unkind one.'

This means that while Peeta is kind to her, it will be harder to kill him in the arena when the time comes. If she has to kill him she might hesitate, costing her life.

3. What happens to convince Haymitch that Peeta and Katniss might be fighters?

When Haymitch starts laughing at them and their situation, Peeta grabs a glass and flings it towards the back of the train, spilling the wine. When Haymitch then turns to grab a different glass, Katniss gets a knife from the table and slams it down between Haymitch and the bottle, almost slicing his fingertips.


1. The presentation of the Tributes seems greatly focused on visual presentation and looks - what does this reveal about the belief systems of the Capitol?

This shows us that the Capitol are vain and are concerned about looks. They also do this because they do not want to see the tributes in their districts clothes as they may be grubby and show them the poor conditions of living in one of the districts.

2. Compare and contrast life in the Capitol to life in District 12.

One thing that is a difference is that everyone gets plenty to eat and some of that food is rare. In District 12 the people are lucky to get a full belly after the day is done. Another difference is that the Capitol is vain and being plump and having wrinkles is frowned upon so they get plastic surgery to change that. In District 12 it is the opposite, because the life expectancy is low, people who have wrinkles are congratulated on living that long and are asked how they survived and what is their secret. Also people who are plump must have a full stomach and the others (the people who live in the Seam) are jealous of them.


1. What is an Avox?

An Avox is someone who broke the rules and try to run away from life in their district. To become an Avox, the Capitol cut out your tongue so you can no longer talk or conspire to rebel against the Capitol and they make you servants to the rich people of the Capitol.

2. What prevents tributes from jumping off the roof? Why do you think this is in place?

A force field is around the building. It is there to stop the tributes from committing suicide so they do not have to die a grisly death in the arena.

Hungry are the deadget big games on

3. What reasons would Peeta have for being curious about Gale?

Peeta likes Katniss so he wants to know if Gale and Katniss are boyfriend and girlfriend and if he has a chance with Katniss.


1. What are the pros and cons of Katniss and Peeta working together?



Know the others strengths and weaknesses

Know the others weakness

Help the other with their skill

Give the other an advantage in the arena

Team work

Harder to kill each other

Hungry Are The Deadget Big Games Play

2. What reasons does Peeta give for thinking Katniss will be better than him in the arena?

Katniss is a hunter as she needs to hunt to feed her family. Peeta thinks that this is an advantage as Katniss will know how to use a weapon so she will be a formidable opponent in the games.

Hungry Are The Deadget Big Games

2. What illegal activity does Katniss participate in doing? Why does she do this?

Katniss participates in hunting in the woods outside of District 12. She hunts to feed her family and get money to by necessities like clothes, soap, needle and thread, medicine etc.

3. Describe the relationship between Gale and Katniss.

The relationship between Gale and Katniss is friendship through hardship. Both of their fathers had died in a mining accident and they need food to survive. They both went out to hunt for food to feed their families and that is were they met. It took a long time for them to trust each other but now they are as thick as thieves. Though their friendship is tested when Katniss volunteers for the Hunger Games in Prim's place.

4. What is the Reaping? Do you think this practice is fair? Explain.

The Reaping is a big, all of Panem, lotto draw. They pick a boy and a girl (the Tributes) from each district and get them to fight to the death in the Hunger Games. I do not believe this is fair as 23 children die needlessly each year. It is to remember the war against the Capitol and it shows that all the districts are weak and dependent on the Capitol for food. It is to strike fear into the districts lives so they don't rebel and they stay slaves to the Capitol.

.5 Who is selected at the Reaping?

Katniss' twelve year old siter, Primrose, is chosen as a tribute in the Hunger Games. In the next chapter, Peeta Mellark is chosen as the male tribute.


1. How does Katniss save her sister from the reaping?

When Katniss realizes that it is her sister that is chosen as a tribute, she volunteers herself to take her place, something that is almost unheard of in District 12. 'But in District 12, where the word tribute is pretty much synonymous with the word corpse, volunteers are all but extinct.' (page 27)

2. What kind of person do you think Peeta is? What evidence from the book has led you to this conclusion?

I think Peeta comes across as a shy but kindhearted soul in this chapter. 'The boy took one look back at the bakery as if checking that the coast was clear, then, his attention back to the pig, he threw the loaf of bread in my direction.'


1. What instruction does Katniss leave for her mother?

She tells her mother to not give up and to stay there for Prim. '‘Well, you have to help this time. You can't clock out and leave Prim on her own.There's no me now to keep you both alive. It doesn't matter what happens. Whatever you see on the screen. You have to promise me you'll fight through it!'' (page 43)

2. What act of kindness does Peeta's dad show to Katniss? How do you think this man might have influenced his son?

Mr Mellark gave Katniss a bag of cookies. He also tells Katniss; 'I'll keep an eye on your little girl. Make sure she's eating.' This shows that he is willing to give her some bread to make sure she stays alive and well. He could have influenced his sone to be a kind and caring boy. We see this when he gives Katniss two loaves of bread when she was cold and starving.

3. What advice does Gale give Katniss about surviving the games.?

He tells Katniss to get a bow as she is a remarkable archer.When Katniss questions the fact that there may not be any bows, Gale tells here to make one; 'Even a week bow is better than no bow at all.' She is very pessimistic about her predicament but Gale cheers her up a little bit.


1. Do you think Haymitch will be helpful as a mentor? Why or why not?

I do not believe that Haymitch is a good mentor. He is almost alway drunk and when he is sober he does not give helpful advice to the two tributes, Katniss and Peeta. '‘Here's some advice. Stay alive.' says Haymitch, and then bursts out laughing.

2. What does Katniss mean when she says: 'A kind Peeta Mellark is far more dangerous to me than an unkind one.'

This means that while Peeta is kind to her, it will be harder to kill him in the arena when the time comes. If she has to kill him she might hesitate, costing her life.

3. What happens to convince Haymitch that Peeta and Katniss might be fighters?

When Haymitch starts laughing at them and their situation, Peeta grabs a glass and flings it towards the back of the train, spilling the wine. When Haymitch then turns to grab a different glass, Katniss gets a knife from the table and slams it down between Haymitch and the bottle, almost slicing his fingertips.


1. The presentation of the Tributes seems greatly focused on visual presentation and looks - what does this reveal about the belief systems of the Capitol?

This shows us that the Capitol are vain and are concerned about looks. They also do this because they do not want to see the tributes in their districts clothes as they may be grubby and show them the poor conditions of living in one of the districts.

2. Compare and contrast life in the Capitol to life in District 12.

One thing that is a difference is that everyone gets plenty to eat and some of that food is rare. In District 12 the people are lucky to get a full belly after the day is done. Another difference is that the Capitol is vain and being plump and having wrinkles is frowned upon so they get plastic surgery to change that. In District 12 it is the opposite, because the life expectancy is low, people who have wrinkles are congratulated on living that long and are asked how they survived and what is their secret. Also people who are plump must have a full stomach and the others (the people who live in the Seam) are jealous of them.


1. What is an Avox?

An Avox is someone who broke the rules and try to run away from life in their district. To become an Avox, the Capitol cut out your tongue so you can no longer talk or conspire to rebel against the Capitol and they make you servants to the rich people of the Capitol.

2. What prevents tributes from jumping off the roof? Why do you think this is in place?

A force field is around the building. It is there to stop the tributes from committing suicide so they do not have to die a grisly death in the arena.

3. What reasons would Peeta have for being curious about Gale?

Peeta likes Katniss so he wants to know if Gale and Katniss are boyfriend and girlfriend and if he has a chance with Katniss.


1. What are the pros and cons of Katniss and Peeta working together?



Know the others strengths and weaknesses

Know the others weakness

Help the other with their skill

Give the other an advantage in the arena

Team work

Harder to kill each other

Hungry Are The Deadget Big Games Play

2. What reasons does Peeta give for thinking Katniss will be better than him in the arena?

Katniss is a hunter as she needs to hunt to feed her family. Peeta thinks that this is an advantage as Katniss will know how to use a weapon so she will be a formidable opponent in the games.

3. What does Katniss to before the judges? Why might this act be considered as controversial?

When the judges are meant to be judging to give the tribute a score out of 12 they are bored and just milling about chatting to one another, not paying attention to Katniss. Katniss got fed up with them so she shot an arrow towards them. The arrow hit the apple out of the pigs mouth that was going to be the judges food. This act might be considered controversial because the judges are from the Capitol and they control the gifts going to the tributes in the arena and the final score on how well they might do. This can affect Katniss's odds of getting gifts from the Capitol and her odds of surviving the Hunger Games.


1. What does Katniss fear will happen as a result of her behavior before the judges?

Katniss fears that the Capitol may take it out on her family and maybe lock them in jail or execute them. But her fears are put aside when Haymitch and Peeta tell her not to worry as what happens in the training room is a secret. So unless they expose what Katniss did in the training room, the Capitol cannot do anything to her family.

2. Why do you think Peeta asked to be coached separately?

I think that Peeta asked to be coached separately so that he could ask Haymitch if it would be a good idea to say at the interviews that he like Katniss. This would make Katniss look likable and maybe get her sponsors.


1. Describe Katniss and Peeta's costumes. Why do you think Cinna dressed them like that?

Katniss's costume is a dress that makes it look like she is walking through flames. Cinna chose this because District 12 is a coal mining district. And what is coal used for? Fire and heat. So with this in his head, Cinna chose to make their costumes based on fire.

2. What shocking secret does Peeta reveal during his interview?

During the interview with Caesar, Peeta reveals that he has a crush on someone. When asked who it is Peeta hesitates and says that winning won't help winning her heart as she came with him. It is revealed that Peeta likes Katniss.



1.How does Katniss react to Peeta's declaration once they are alone?

Once they are in the rooms, Katniss pushes Peeta in the chest which causes him to topple over into a vase and cut himself.

2. What does Peeta Mean when he says the following: 'I want to die as myself.'

He doesn't want to die as one of the Capitols pawns. Many tributes in the arena become animals. In one previous game, a tribute at the bodies of the victims so the Gamemakers had to kill him to get the dead tributes bodies to give to their families. A result of winning the games some tributes go to drinking, like Haymitch, while others go into solitude with the thoughts of their victims floating through their heads.

.3 What does Cinna makes sure Katniss brings into the arena with her?

Cinna gets her Mockingjay pin to get through for her to wear at the games. Each tribute gets to bring something from their District to take in the games, as long as it can't be used to kill or get them food or the upper hand.


Hungry Are The Deadget Big Games Free

1. Who is the first person to die in the arena? How do they die?

The first person to die in the arena is the boy from District 9. He is killed by the girl tribute from District 2 by one of her knives. He is killed whilst fighting with Katniss for a bag of supplies.

2. How are the tributes notified that someone has died in the arena?

When a tribute has died, a cannon is fired, signaling to the rest of the tributes that they are one person down and one person closer to winning.

3. How do you think Katniss feels when she hears Peeta planning with the Careers?

I think that Katniss feels betrayed by Peeta.

Hungry Are The Deadget Big Games To Play


1. What are some of the conflicts faced by Katniss in chapter 12?

A challenge that Katniss faced is the fact that Peeta joined up with the career tributes. Also the career tributes plotting on how to kill her and thinking of her as a weakling. She has to camouflage her backpack as it is bright orange and a signal to whoever sees it that she is there and waiting to be killed. The biggest challenge is getting food and water.


1. Describe the attack that occurs in this chapter.

The attack is a huge wall of fire which is created by the gamemakers to make the games more interesting if the games are not interesting for a day or so.

2. What kind of injury does Katniss receive and how did she get it?

Katniss gets a really bad burn on her leg. It is from a burning log that fell down because of the fire made by the gamemakers.


  1. What does Haymitch send to Katniss?

Haymitch sends Katniss a little pot of cream. This cream is high tech medicine cream made in the Capitol. Katniss puts on her burn and it slowly heals.

2. Who does Katniss team up with? Why do you think she chose this person?

Katniss teams up with Rue. She teams up with her becuase Rue didn't kill her when she had the tracker jacker poison in her. Rue helped cure her of the poison. She also teams up with Rue because 'But I want her. Because she's a survivor, and I trust her, and why not admit it? She reminds me of Prim.'

  1. Who saves Katniss' life?

Rue saves Katniss' life because she uses some medicine plant to treat her tracker jacker stings so Katniss can live to survive another day.


  1. Compare and contrast why Katniss and Rue think Peeta saved Katniss' life.

When Katniss was sick with the tracker-jacker poison she saw Peeta tell her to run away and he lead Cato away from her. Katniss was not sure if it was Peeta or a hallucination from the poison but either way, she was saved.


  1. Summarize the major events of chapters 16-17

Planning on how to even the odds between the Careers an the other tributes. They decide to lead them away from the cornucopia and blow it up, using the mines hidden to stop others getting the food to blow it up. They blow up the food supply but Rue gets caught in a net. A boy throws a spear and it pierces Rue in the stomach. Katniss shoots him with an arrow and he dies. Rue slowly dies from the spear wound.


  1. How does Katniss mourn Rue?

Katniss sang Rue a song before she died. Katniss found flowers near by and made a bed of flowers to put Rue on before she gets taken from the Arena.

2. How does Rue's district show their gratitude for the way Katniss honored Rue?

Rue's district, District 11 gave Katniss some bread that is from their district. 'It's made of dark ration grain and shaped in a crescent. Sprinkled with seeds. I flash back to Peeta's lesson on the various district breads in the Training Centre. This bread came fro District 11.'

Hungry Are The Deadget Big Games On

  1. What major rule change occurs at the end of this chapter?

The gamemakers say that two tributes can win, though only if they are from the same district. With this new information, Katniss goes off in search of Peeta.



  1. Where does Katniss find Peeta? What shape is he in?

Katniss finds Peeta hidden in the reeds on the bank of a stream. He had camouflaged his face and arms to look like the bank and the rest of his body is under mud and leaves. Peeta has a long burn on his chest and four tracker-jacker stings, as well as a knife cut on his upper leg from when Cato cut him.

  1. Compare and contrast Katniss' reaction to illness and how her mother and Prim react to illness back at the seam.

Katniss is a bit of a wimp hen it comes to illness and broken bones and blood. Her mother is a sort of doctor. The proper doctor is too expensive for many people in the Seam so they go to Katniss' mother to get better.

  1. Why would Prim be better in the arena than Katniss during this situation with Peeta?

Prim is much better than Katniss with sickness and injury. Prim will help her mum with the injured people that come to her shop while Katniss would go out hunting as she cannot handle blood and broken bones (human not animal).

  1. What does Katniss do in order to receive a gift from Haymitch? How does she figure out that she needs to do this?

She needs to give the audience some romance with Peeta to get items from sponsors. She figures this out when she sees a gift when she went out from her hiding place after kissing Peeta. 'And he's right. If I want to keep Peeta alive, I've got to give the audience something more to care about. Star-crossed lovers desperate to get home together. Two hearts beating as one. Romance.' (page 316)

  1. How do you think Haymitch feels about Katniss and Peeta? Who do you think he believes to be the stronger competitor and why?

I think Haymitch feels sorry that Katniss and Peeta are in the Hunger Games and he can't do anything about it. I think he belives that they can win the Hunger Games, but when push comes to shove, Haymitch probably thinks that Katniss will win the games.


  1. What story does Katniss tell Peeta? What parts of the real story does she leave out because the Capitol is listening?

Katniss tells Peeta the story of how Katniss got Prims goat. Katniss got the money to buy the goat by going out into the woods, killing a deer and using the money to buy the goat. Hunting is illegal so she said that she got the money to pay for the goat by selling a necklace.

  1. What is the purpose of the feast? Why does Katniss want to go?

The feast is a way to get everyone together for a free-for-all to maybe get a victor. To get the tributes to go to the feast, Claudius Templesmith, the head game-maker, has got something that everyone needs to get the tributes together. For Peeta and Katniss, this means medicine for Peeta.

  1. How does Katniss trick Peeta so she can leave?

Katniss gives Peeta some food with a plant that makes you fall asleep in it. When Peeta falls asleep Katniss sneaks out to get the pack from the feast.


1. What possible reason would Katniss have for worrying about Gale's thoughts concerning Katniss and Peeta kissing?

It could be that Katniss and Gale are very close and she only really noticed Peeta when he was picked as a tribute for the Hunger Games.

  1. How does Foxface outsmart the rest of the tributes at the feast?

She runs to the table with the supplies/feast, grabs her pack and runs off again before anyone can get to her and kill her.

  1. Who saves Katniss and why? Why might this action upset the Capitol?

Thresh saves Katniss because she helped Rue and didn't let ehr die in vain. Thresh and Rue were in the same district and Rue was only twelve so Thresh was probably sad that she was in the Games.


  1. Describe the story Peeta tells Katniss. What does this reveal about Peeta and his father? What do we learn about Katniss' father?

Peeta tells Katniss the story of how he loves her. In this story we also learn that Peeta's dad was also in love with Katniss' mother before she married her father and Peeta's dad married his mum. We also learn that Katniss' father could sing very well and the birds would echo his songs.


  1. Who do we find out is dead? Why does this upset Katniss and Peeta?

Thresh died. He died during a thunderstorm so Katniss and Peeta could not hear the cannon. They only new because of the anthem. It upsets Katniss as he saved her life and that they are closer to the end of the games.

  1. What are Katniss' fears about surviving the games? What does she decide to do if she survives, and why does she decide this?

She fears that she will have to mentor the tributes in next Hunger Games, only to watch them die horrible deaths. She swore never to have children so she would not see them die in the games so if she is a victor, she will have to see many more kids day every single year.

  1. How does Peeta compare to Gale as a hunting partner?

Peeta is not the best replacement as a hunting partner. He steps on many sticks and bark so the rabbits run away before Katniss can shoot. So Katniss tells Peeta to go find berries while she goes off hunting.


  1. How is Peeta responsible for Foxface's death?

Peeta was the one that collected the poisonous berries in the first place. He left them out in the open before going to get more. While he was looking away, Foxface came, ate some of the berries and died. Katniss thought the cannon fire was Peeta when it was, infact Foxface.


  1. What are Muttations?

Muttations are animals that the Capitol created. They are usually a mix of two different species. The muttations in the book are huge dogs, hungry for blood, mixed with the DNA of fallen tributes. They chased Peeta and Katniss towards the Cornucopia and towards Cato.

  1. Describe Cato's death.

It was a slow, painful and gruesome death. The mutts had taken a hold of him and were slowly killing him, eating parts of him at a time. He didn't die quickly because he had body armour on, which stopped some of the bites. All night he was screaming in pain from the mutts and his torture at their hands. In the morning, Cato is near the mouth of the Cornucopia and Katniss can get a clear shot with her arrow to put him out of his misery.

  1. Why are Peeta and Katniss not thrilled when they realize Cato is dead and they have won the games?

They are not happy with winning as they just witnessed Cato's brutal and torturous death. Katniss killed him out of kindness because he was in so much pain.

  1. What announcement does Claudius make? Compare and contrast Peeta and Katniss' reactions.

Claudius announces that the previous rule change, were two tributes from the same district can win, is not valid. He says that they have to kill each other and then leaves Katniss and Peeta to figure it out themselves.

  1. How do Peeta and Katniss outsmart the game makers?

Peeta and Katniss go to use the berries that killed Foxface to do a double suicide. They both did not want to kill the other, so they went for the next best thing, not giving the Capitol a victor.


  1. What advice does Haymitch give Katniss?

He gives her the advice to say that she used the berries because she couldn't imagine life without Peeta.

  1. What does Haymitch mean when he says: 'Don't have to. He's already there.'

He means that Peeta does not have to act because of the berries because he was already in love with Katniss and ready to take his own life to be with her.

  1. What dangers do Katniss and Peeta still face despite the games being over?

They will face the wrath of the Capitol as they cheated them of their one victor and sort of teamed up and helped the other districts. The Capitol wants all the district to be separate so the Capitol will probably have something up their sleeves. (Book 2)


  1. What startling discovery does Katniss make about Peeta during the interview?

Katniss discovers that Peeta had his leg amputated. They had to do it because from the bandage around his leg, form him getting cut, stopped the blood flow.

  1. How does Katniss explain the use of the berries during the interview?

She says that she used them because she couldn't imagine life without Peeta, keeping up with the charade that Peeta and Katniss are desperately in love.

  1. Do you think Katniss was acting the whole time she was in love with Peeta? Why or why not?

I think that Katniss' feelings towards Peeta were false as she only properly new him when they became Tributes. During the games, though,

Hungry Shark World is a fun action game. Since it is considered as an action game then there will be some bloody feeding scene which leads to screams rather than science knowledge.

Game overview

According to parents, this game is suitable for 18+ but the kids say that it is suitable for 9+. However, according to our review, this game is suitable for 14+. Still it is a PG game. It can be downloaded through Google Play and iTunes. Downloading Hungry Shark World from the legal site will be safer than anywhere else.

The game is generally easy to play but there will be some violence in it. Even though there is no nudity, harsh language and drugs, this game could lead to consumerism with the in-app purchase.

Note for parents

It is important if the parents know what their kids do with their smartphone. This game is about controlling shark. Since it needs to be survived, the shark has to eat which is very possible of killing the creatures of the sea and also humans.

In order to stay alive, the shark has to eat constantly and human or tourists will be the target that gives highest value.

Basically, the game can be played for free but it may make the upgrading process becomes very slow. The process can be fastened if the player pays certain amount of cash.

About the game

The game does not have a lot of narrative. You are just in charge of controlling the hungry shark and you can eat anything in sight. The basic idea is to eat every time, everywhere, and non-stop. You also have to avoid bigger enemy or object that could cause harm. This is why your shark needs to be bigger and bigger so you can eat bigger object or predators, eventually. Without steady supply of food, your shark could die.

Without spending some real cash for upgrading your game play, you will need longer time. Sometimes you will also need to watch ads to bring your shark on the next level.

Even though eating or killing other creatures and human is awful, you will get the fun from the overall gameplay. And you should know that a big school of tiny fish is not enough to keep your shark alive so you will need human to keep you satisfy. Eating contest in underwater space is kind of what you will find in Hungry Shark World.

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